This is the flyer for our second gig, which was the first one at a “proper” club. Note my impressive desktop publishing skills on the early Macintosh. The show actually went really well. I don’t remember anything about the other band, C.O.D.
As we were packing up after the show, I was approached by this woman who said she wrote for “Industrial Magazine”, whatever that was. She wanted to know where we got our name, to which I glibly responded “It came to us, as if in a dream”.
To be honest, I had nothing to do with choosing our band name. When I left Black Day to go away to college, the remaining members, along with another friend of theirs, Greg, reformed as Violet June. I believe that version of the band played one gig at some school before disbanding. When I returned to the Bay Area, I got in touch with Luis and the two of us reformed as Violet June, quickly adding Jeff to the lineup.
Being the visionaries that we were, we had already branched out into a multimedia extravaganza by the time of the Underground show. We had, I believe, three television sets on stage- one of which was a green-only monitor from my Apple //e computer. Luis had recorded some weird video of his girlfriend just staring at the camera for the entire length of the tape, and that was what we played on our monitors. The video distribution system I had rigged up to feed the one VCR to three monitors didn’t work very well, and the monitors kept glitching and going out of sync. We all agreed that it looked better that way.