This is the promotional flyer for the very first Violet June gig at the College of San Mateo. Mark Knight and Todd Tauscher of Red Assembly put this show together, and asked us to be the opening act. Second up was Ceremony featuring Tom Marin, formerly of our first band, Black Day. We all knew each other.
The show took place in the student union. Our live setup involved so many audio sources that I had a mixer on stage, and would provide a mixdown for the house sound system. I don’t think the other bands had thought this out very well, and they requested that I stay on stage and mix their music as well. Red Assembly had brought a fog machine along, and when they started playing, their friend began pumping out the fog right next to where I was sitting. The machine kept malfunctioning, and would suddenly send out these bursts of concentrated, thick, sticky, sweet-smelling fog right into my face. By the time the show was over, the entire student union was full of the stuff.
I have a videotape of this performance somewhere… but I’m a little bit scared to see it again!