Violet June – Entire Live Set

This tape, dated June 1991, represents the entire live set list for Violet June. Missing from this set is the interstitial Bob Dylan tape that was played in between songs.  Because it could take a full minute to load all the samples and sequences required for the next song, we had to fill that time with some kind of noise… so why not Bob Dylan?  Uh, yeah.

I can’t remember the title of track 10.  Jeff or Luis, do you remember?

2 thoughts on “Violet June – Entire Live Set

  1. Hey I think I may have recorded this. Wasn’t the nameless track, “bloodless?” I’m not positive, but the little useless voice in my head insists it’s true.

    • I think you’re right, it was probably called “Bloodless”. My main memory of that song is that when we performed at the Underground, our stage monitoring sucked so back that we got totally lost in the middle of the song. At one point, I was just playing the strings part and hoping for the best, and Jeff and Luis were staring at me, wondering where we were. Then we all heard the cymbal crash that cued us in to resume. Afterwards, someone came up and told us that they really liked that song!

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